Are Entitled Americans Becoming Apocalyptic Zombies?

Let's face it: many Americans are spoiled, entitled brats. I should know. I've been here all of my life and fallen prey to bouts of childish tantrums over my cell phone losing transmission. If you spend a day keenly observing American behavior, you are bound to witness the horrifying inconveniences that trigger fits of rage. For example:
  • The car ahead is driving the speed limit, robbing you of a car's length.
  • A Google Play Store app isn't downloading.
  • The waitress served sausage instead of bacon.
  • Someone is taking too long in the public bathroom.
  • The bank teller asked you to wait.
  • The convenience store is out of breakfast cookies.
  • The Amazon package has been delayed a day.
  • Someone else beat you to a parking space.
  • Your latte was too warm, too hot, too foamy.
  • The person on Facebook didn't "like" your comment.
  • Tech support didn't respond within seconds of your request.
  • You've been put on hold for 10 minutes, God forbid, 30 min.
  • The tire shop is taking 40 min instead of 30 min to balance your tires.
  • Netflicks canceled your favorite show, and you must relocate to AppleTV.
We reside in a culture adorned with every conceivable luxury and convenience. However, the paradox lies in the fact that the more comfortable a society becomes, the more likely social tantrums will break out when their goodies are taken away. This phenomenon transcends class distinctions; it's a quintessential human predicament. Both the middle and upper classes find themselves ensnared by this predicament, mirroring the actions of the lower class, who resort to theft in pursuing what they perceive as their entitlement as primates.

The Dark Side of Individualism

In the shadow of individualism lurks the human predator whose self-absorption and disregard for the greater good leads to a society plagued by stupefying tunnel vision. While personal autonomy is vital, its excess breeds entitlement, prioritizing personal interests over the vulnerable. Unchecked, this pursuit of success disregards the environment and common welfare, threatening the very essence of individualism.

There needs to be a scientific assessment made based on the statistics of the last 200 years. If the American Dream is so great, then why is the U.S. number one in the exploitation of child sex trafficking? Why is the public dumbed down? Why are our crime rates so high?

One could argue that America has been taken over from within by communist factions (and I agree), but they got away with it because Americans have been blinded by the light. Drunk on the "Freedom Dream," they dance around in their Disneyland hamster cage, addicted to the entertainment industry.

The American Dream? Or Nightmare?

The American Dream is a cultural Disneyland that offers personal autonomy. Immigrants come here to be their own King and Queen, to rule their Kingdom, and, if given enough religious freedom, become their own self-inflated Gods.

America has been a dreamer's destination, and thus, the world has been immigrating here with wide eyes and hope. But how sustainable is this individualism model? How long can we afford to provide a king's ransom to everyone crossing the border?

Where has this individualism got us? Our country has one of the highest crime rates in the world. We lead the pack in starting wars with other countries. Our homeless population is off the charts. Drug trafficking is an epidemic. And we are heading into World War 3 with a Nuclear missile strapped to our collective ass. And let us not forget 1st Amendment violating Christians waving the national Jesus flag and the liberals jumping around like Satanic dodo birds. It's a circus.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am profoundly aware of the liberties this country has afforded us compared to other countries. But don't let freedom blind you from what's lurking underneath the surface. This country has always been ruled by predatory forces on a mission to rule the world, no matter how many lives it takes to get there.

“Human rights and wrongs are not determined by Justice, but by Might. Disguise it as you may, the naked sword is still king-maker and king-breaker, as of yore. All other theories are lies and — lures”

“Government is founded on property. Property is founded on conquest. Conquest is founded on power. All power is founded on brain and brawn.”

― Ragnar Redbeard, Might is Right

The Illusion of Freedom

Pessimistically, our society is like a zoo for human primates who are allotted a certain amount of space to roam. While they believe they are in control of the lives they don't own, their freedoms exist within the choices of McDonald's or Taco Bell, Chase Bank or Wells Fargo, Yahtzee or Mr. Potato Head. The alpha monkeys at the top of the food chain occasionally expand their hamster cage with new tunnels, bells, and squeaky toys. They may even throw in an extra carrot or see if the 'sapien chimps' enjoy the taste of bugs for a change. The sadistic ones (just for shit and giggles) occasionally throw in a wasp or rattlesnake for entertainment.

The problem with unchecked, equally dispensed freedom is it is based on wishful thinking. Like the delusional idea that "all humans are equal," there's an embarrassing lack of evidence to support this claim. I agree that human rights apply to all sapiens, but the fact of the matter is humans are not equal. Some are born with higher IQs than others. Some have better genes. Some are born deformed, ugly, and impoverished, and others are born handsome, rich, and talented. If anything, the universe is profoundly unfair and unjust — and brutally so.

Zombie Apocalypse

To even entertain the notion of the dark side of individualism catalyzing a "zombie apocalypse" is to delve into the realms of dystopian fantasy. However, it is not entirely devoid of merit. When allowed to fester, the pernicious elements of unchecked individualism can generate a figurative "zombification" of society.

Picture a world where self-interest reigns supreme, empathy wanes, and collective responsibility disintegrates. In such a landscape, the insatiable pursuit of personal gain could metaphorically transform individuals into moral zombies, creatures devoid of compassion and empathy.

On the flip side, if an entitled population of 350 million were suddenly deprived of their toys and thrust into a 3rd world apocalyptic environment, the level of adult child depravity would confirm the predictive programming hypothesis of Hollywood's flesh-eating sapiens.

While the image of literal undead hordes may be fantastical, the existential threat posed by the erosion of our humanity in the wake of unchecked individualism is a stark and unsettling reality worth contemplating. It serves as a chilling reminder that the consequences of our choices in the realm of individualism can, in their own way, spawn a uniquely disquieting form of "apocalypse."

Headed toward Chaos

I am convinced that America is heading toward social chaos, a meltdown never before seen in history. We will polarize from a dream to a cultural nightmare. The highs to which we have climbed will be followed with a catastrophic decline - Icarus will fall - we have come too close to the sun, and the "powers that be" are leveraging this Enantiodromia swing:

Enantiodromia is a principle introduced by psychiatrist Carl Jung. In Psychological Types, Jung defines enantiodromia as "the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time." It is similar to the principle of equilibrium in the natural world in that any extreme is opposed by the system to restore balance. When things get to their extreme, they turn into their opposite. [1]


In light of this delightful topic, we must be rational, down to earth, practical, able to assess the situation and act accordingly. We must be aware of our environment. We must slap ourselves out of the trance. We must wake up and increase our chances of survival. Make no mistake, as of the writing of this article, American society is getting increasingly agitated, and all we need is a major event to push everyone into a manic state of aggression and desperation.

My advice is to walk through the zombie horde without being noticed. Don't make eye contact. Store your supplies safely, and prepare for the Zombie Apocalypse. And the next person who yells "Conspiracy Theorist" at you, just reply with:

I'd rather wear a tin foil hat than a blindfold."

— Zzenn


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