World War 3 and the Tragedy of Human Ignorance

As of the date of this article (10/18/23), Israel and Hamas are at war. Iran, backed by China, Russia, North Korea, and Turkey, is about to join forces with Hamas, and the United States has moved a fleet of nuclear-powered battleships to the region. The signs should be obvious even to liberals who declare everything that doesn't fit into their safe space a CONSPIRACY THEORY!!! Warmongers from both political parties are cheering on the Apocalypse while the jacuzzi bubbles in their bunkers are warming up.

We all know where this is going — World War 3.

Unfortunately, an embarrassing majority of humans have not figured out how to get along after centuries of regional, national, and global conflicts. The resources we share as a unified genetic species, characterized by common blood and shared suffering thresholds, are frequently the subject of fierce competition. One would think we lived on separate planets.

Human primates are territorial breeding machines who fight over stupid things such as "whose invisible heavenly Daddy is best." The alpha monkeys at the top of the food chain know this and graciously crown the herd with an enduring term: "Useful Idiots."

The more educated people become, the more skillfully they fight for their irrational convictions. Just watch a Christian scholar defend his ideological territory by arguing for the literal existence of Noah's Ark. Debates such as these are fit for a audience of puppets.

After two world wars, the most delusional of our kind, "religious fanatics," gather worldwide, chanting death to those who do not believe in their invisible deity. Warring factions kill each other, hoping "their tribe" will win the celestial booby prize. And yet, history shows that once a tribe achieves its version of world peace, another fights them over their new and improved version.

It doesn't matter if nuclear war annihilates all parties. The emotionally charged peanut in their head cannot see beyond the dead children in their arms. Humanity is culturally hypnotized, except for a few brave souls with a birds-eye view of the game board. These extraordinary individuals piece together 2 + 2 and strive to communicate to lesser mortals uncomplicated equations like:

  • War is hell for everyone.
  • Violence begets violence.
  • We are one species.
  • We share one planet's resources.
  • Religious wars never solve anything.
  • Children are affected by our irrational decisions.
  • Nuclear bombs are destructive.
  • Invisible people do not exist.
  • Holy books were written when the Earth was flat.
  • Science and critical thinking are imperative for our survival.

These are just a few building blocks for adult children to play with. However, simple facts bounce off emotionally fueled sapiens like water does boiling oil. Tribalism is the only thing that relieves the tension of the bipedal squad.

At this point, I discern no escape from the impending apocalypse. The global elite understands human ignorance and is banking on the improbable chance that individuals will mature, unite, relinquish belief in authoritarian ghosts, and commit the horrifying sin of critical thinking. For individuals of sound moral character who have cultivated a rational intellect, the fact that humans still confuse their imagination with reality is utterly exasperating. The mythical Jesus said it this way:

"O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I suffer you?"

— Matthew 17:17

There are some reading this article that will be offended by my misanthropic contempt. But allow me to present several examples of human buffoonery that could have been avoided if common sense had been applied:

  • On September 28, 2022, Hurricane Ian struck Cayo Costa, Florida. This Category 4 storm brought 150 mph winds and a 10-15 foot storm surge, ranking among the strongest hurricanes in Florida's history. The aftermath left residents homeless, wading in waters filled with alligators and poisonous snakes. The governor had issued several warnings days before the event, giving the population plenty of time to drive north and sleep in their vehicles if they had no other option. Instead, many decided to remain in the most dangerous zones every hurricane has decimated over the decades. This resulted in public tantrums, blaming the authorities for not pulling them out of their cribs on time. A similar scenario unfolds in Tornado Alley, where residents rebuild with unwavering faith, trusting that their unseen Heavenly Father will shield them from the devil's wrath, despite the annual evidence of ignored prayers when their children are discovered miles away dangling from a tree.
  • Another illustration can be found in inner cities, where residents plunder their communities' stores. Logic would imply that robbing the very establishments from which they purchase essential goods would inevitably lead to their closure, given the loss of income. Surprisingly, those who steal cannot enjoy the loot over a cold beer because the store is, well, — EMPTY?
Emotionally charged human animals don't "think" beyond the moment. It's like shooting yourself in the foot while pointing at your enemy, saying, "Take That!"
  • One of my favorite examples of human buffoonery is in the airline industry. Barely a week goes by that I don't read a story of someone having a tantrum on a flight over the most childish things. A common example is the refusal to leave the plane after having a tantrum over a seating arrangement. This person is told that everyone will have to exit the plane if they don't leave. And, of course, they rather piss off hundreds of passengers than simply walk off the plane and work things out with the airlines. You'd think they would grow an intellect and apologize for acting like an infant. But time after time, resistance to the horrifying feeling of being wrong, no matter the cost, is displayed in living color. Public humiliation is taken as a badge of honor for these inverted minds.
The system has failed us. Generational trauma and cultural brainwashing have spawned a zombie apocalypse.

Unfortunately, we are in for a ride. George Bush's New World Order (also being parroted by China and Russia) aims to create a global order out of catastrophic chaos.

WALL STREET JOURNAL: In Beijing, Xi and Putin Double Down on Path to New World Order.

Each world war has resulted in a global arrangement for the international elite. After World War 1, the League of Nations was created. After World War 2, the United Nations. And now, we are witnessing the rumblings of Armageddon for the New World Order.

This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long - We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order.

— David Rockefeller

I wish I had a magic wand to slap humanity out of the dumb-dumb trance, but I see no hope for the situation. Critical thinking and reason would need to spread like a religion complete with churches and temples with a huge invisible brain for all to worship. The minority of humans that exhibit rationality and sensibility are not enough to stop the planet of the apes from destroying itself.

Who knows, maybe Jesus will return on his white horse and shoot laser beams out of his eyes, disintegrating sinners and levitating rational people to outer space in a celestial suit. Or, aliens will materialize their ships over the world's major cities and corral the human herd into smart cities for entertainment. Artificial intelligence will likely emerge as a savior, and transhumanism will be the new religion. Call it an upgrade for the cultural zoo.

For those adventurous souls who have spent time on Earth deconstructing their egos, nuclear war is a welcomed exit into paradise. And for the nihilists, a confirmation of their meaningless existence. Both will bask in delight as the radiation melts their faces off in a finale of self-affirming insanity.

If the testimonies of near-death experiences are true, we have only to focus on a transition from the material world into a realm of love and oneness. As crazy as that may sound, it is more appealing than the 'illusion of separation' humans fight over when they're bored.

— Zzenn


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